Department of Corporate Leadership and Marketing

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Attila Kurucz, PhD

Head of the Department
Associate Professor


Our department offers a broad educational portfolio encompassing various marketing and management aspects. Our programs aim to provide students with comprehensive knowledge essential for thriving in a competitive business environment.

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Department of International and Applied Economics


Sándor Remsei, PhD

Head of Department
Associate Professor


The Department of International and Applied Economics is the cornerstone of the university's economic education. It provides economics students with the micro and macroeconomic knowledge that underpins their economic studies, as well as some knowledge related to many aspects of international management and economics.

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Department of Statistics, Finances and Controlling


Judit Koltai, PhD

Head of the Department 
Associate Professor



Our department brings together highly interrelated disciplines, enabling our students to acquire a comprehensive and integrated knowledge of these fields. The subjects taught in the department provide a foundation of expertise in both higher education vocational education and traditional BSc and MSc courses. 

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Department of Tourism and Hospitality

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Viktória Kundi, PhD

Head of the Department
Associate Professor


The BSc-level tourism education system of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality is an integral part of the economics profile of Széchenyi István University. 

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History of the Széchenyi István University Kautz Gyula Faculty of Business and Economics


Our journey began in September 1990 with establishing the legal predecessor of Széchenyi István University. A significant milestone was the introduction of economist training in 1992 with the bachelor's degree in business administration, marking the university's foray into the field of economics.

The management of economics education became the task of the Institute of Economics, which was established in 1991 and later became the Faculty of Economics in 1993. The development of the economics college training at Széchenyi István College was guided by the visionary leadership of professor József Kupcsik, PhD, who served as the director of the Institute of Economics and the Faculty until 1996. His deputy, college professor Béla Szente, also played a crucial role in the launch of economics education.

József Kupcsik was succeeded as director in 1996 by Professor József Veress, PhD, whose most important task was to develop the program of economist education at the university level and to launch university training.

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Milestones of the Kautz Faculty

Leadership and Governance



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Sándor Remsei PhD

Head of Department
Associate professor



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Adrienn Dernoczi-Polyák PhD

Associate professor
Vice dean for Academic and Educational Affairs














Judit Koltai PhD

Associate professor
Vice-Dean for International and Accreditation Affairs






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Gábor Szabó-Szentgróti PhD

Associate professor
Vice-Dean for Scientific Affairs



Supervisors of Degree Programmes

Higher vocational training

Business Administration and Management (Hungarian)
Eszter Horváth PhD, senior lecturer

Commerce and Marketing (Hungarian)
Péter Huszka PhD, associate professor

Tourism and Hospitality (Hungarian)
Csaba Kőmíves PhD, senior lecturer


Bachelor Level

Business Administration and Management (Hungarian, English)
Judit Berkes PhD, associate professor

Commerce and Marketing (Hungarian)
Veronika Keller PhD, associate professor

International Business Economics (Hungarian, English)
Sándor Remsei PhD, associate professor

Tourism and Hospitality (Hungarian)
Ferenc Darabos PhD, associate professor


Master Level

International Economics and Business (Hungarian, English)
Eszter Lukács PhD, vice president, associate professor

Marketing (Hungarian, English)
László Józsa PhD, professor

Supply Chain Management (Hungarian, English)
Edit Süle PhD, associate professor

Tourism Management (Hungarian, English)
Éva Happ PhD, associate professor


Doctoral Programmes

Doctoral School of Regional Sciences and Business Administration & Management Sciences
Business and Management Sciences Doctoral Program, SzEEDSM


Double degree (Széchenyi István University, Győr (HU), University of Rhode Island, Kingston RI (USA)

Master of Business Administration (MBA) 


Faculty Council and Committees

Faculty council

Faculty quality management and evaluation committee

Credit transfer committee and study committee

Kautz Conference 2024

Kautz Conference on Business and Economics

Transforming Global Challenges into Opportunities: Entrepreneurship and economic development in an uncertain and technology-driven business environment

Győr, Hungary – October 10-12, 2024