The in-person round of the National Financial Case Study Competition ended

[2025.01.31.] OPEV 55 - HorvathMarton (meretezett).webp

The XXIII National Financial Case Study Competition (Hungarian acronym: OPEV), organised by the Kautz Gyula Collage of Economics, ended. In addition to the university competitors, for the first time in 2025 there was also a secondary school section, with the final event taking place on 31 January 2025. A total of 19 teams from the two sections participated in the event, which resulted in a higher number of participants than in previous years (76 competitors, of which 40 were university students and 36 high school students).

The competition is always based on case studies of a real business problem to be solved online, and then the teams present their solutions in front of a professional committee in person in Győr. The competition is available in Hungarian and offers participants the opportunity to improve their financial knowledge.

The competition started with an online round, giving the teams in the university section 12,5 hours to solve the cases, while the secondary school teams had 5 days to work on their solutions (details).

(OPEV 2025 - Csoportkép)

In the secondary school section, 5 places were given (details):

  1. Cickányok (GYSZC Deák Ferenc Közgazdasági Technikum, Győr)
  2. Monti (Alternatív Közgazdasági Gimnázium, Budapest)
  3. Credit Default Swaps (BME International Secondar School, Budapest)
  4. LADA (Soproni Szc Fáy András Két Tanítási Nyelvű Közgazdasági Technikum, Sopron)
  5. Raklók (GYSZC Deák Ferenc Közgazdasági Technikum, Győr)

There were 4 prizes in the university section (details):

  1. IMPACT (Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania)
  2. Shrek (University of Sopron)
  3. Economus (University of Miskolc)
  4. data2direction (Babes-Bolyai University)

The results of the university section of the competition were also announced at the awards ceremony of the Kautz Gyula College of Economics Excellence Programme, which was awarded to the following members of the College (details):

  1. Süle Máté József
  2. Kovács Adél
  3. Vass Viktória

The competition was held in a great atmosphere, with a wide range of programmes. The next year we plan to launch both a secondary school and a university section!