High school students at the TDK Day at the invitation of the Kautz Gyula Kautz College of Economics


The Scientific and Artistic Students' Association Conference held on 26.11.2024 was attended by several students from high schools (Győri SZC Deák Ferenc Közgazdasági Technikum, a Győri SZC Baross Gábor Két Tanítási Nyelvű Közgazdasági Technikum és a Bolyai Janos Technikum).

The number of high school students visiting the university exceeded 30, a significant number of them came to get to know the university, the framework of the event and the atmosphere of the sections of the Gyula Kautz Faculty of Economics, but 2 students (Gabriella Albert-Dodó, Dániel Tóth) participated with a TDK paper and a presentation in the sections with the university students.

The students' work was also rewarded by the relevant section committees, and both participants received special prizes at the award ceremony.

Special thanks to the mentors of the high school students. Dr. Gábor Szabó-Szentgróti (associate professor), Adrienn Varga-Poór (high school teacher), Tibor Sárdi (honorary associate professor), Dr. Tamás Vinkóczi (assistant professor), Katalin Simonné Gál (high school teacher).